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Steve Massingill


Steve  Massingill
toobo commented on this post...
Steve Massingill@toobo
Steve  Massingill
toobo followed Crystal...

Crystal Ramos


Crystal Ramos


Daughter to King Jesus 🌹♥️

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Hannah Nelson
Hannah Nelson @Hannah

Learn to remember names!

Stop saying, “I’m not good at names!” Jesus knows everyone’s name and if we want to love like Him, we should care enough to remember their name. It makes people feel so loved and values when we do. Here are some ways I got better at names.
Steve Massingill@toobo
Steve  Massingill
toobo followed Hannah...

Hannah Nelson


Hannah Nelson


I gave my life to Jesus at 3 years old. At 17 God called me into ministry. I graduated from Central Bible College in Springfield, MO with a degree in Preaching/Evangelism. My husband and I Co-pastor together at Deeper Church in Burien, WA. On the side I homeschool our two boys - Silas (7) and Sage (4) and do commercial acting.

toobo followed Mona...

Mona Peters


Mona Peters



toobo followed Ashley...

Ashley Scott


Ashley Scott


toobo commented on this post...
Steve Massingill@toobo
Steve  Massingill
He’s amazing
toobo followed Lori...

Lori Sorrough


Lori Sorrough


Child Of God

toobo followed Mary...

Mary Watson


Mary Watson


toobo followed Yoli...

Yoli Villamil


Yoli Villamil


Keeping my focus on Jesus and never looking back!