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Melissa Gonzalez


Melissa Gonzalez
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Living by the Spirit’s Power

Unfortunately we all have a sinful nature and at least for me it is good to be reminded what it looks when we live by the spirit and what it looks like when we don’t. “So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what...
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Join the teacher...

At 6:00am event Friday morning there is a special teacher who loves the Lord and whose passion is to see us transformed for the glory of God . His name is Saji John. Saji or Pastor John left India and came to the states almost two decades ago and...
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Am I greedy?

Are you struggling with thinking you don’t have enough? You have been short changed? Lusts of the flesh? Gluttony or overeating? Feelings that you don’t have enough? Read this article :...
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When your failures can no longer shake your identity, your identity has been rooted in something greater than any failure; Jesus Christ, who is our victory!!!
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How can I pray for you?

Hi friends, How can I pray for you today? Do you have a hurting heart? A broken relationship? Financial challenges? Sickness? A broken spirit? I love you and want you to know that God is good all the time and today I want to partner with his...
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IRS Persecutes Christian orgs...

IRS Denies Tax-Exemption to Texas Religious Group Because Prayer, Bible Reading Boost the Republican Party BY MARK TAPSCOTT June 16, 2021 Updated: June 16, 2021 An IRS official denied tax-exempt status to a Texas group that encourages church...
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Don’t Hide..Rise!

In this season as you stand up for what you believe and challenge those who are blind, so they can desire to see, you are choosing to overcome the fear of men. If you choose to hide what you think, you will have to overcome this same fear later...
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Rodrigo Zurita
Rodrigo Zurita @rzurita

Keep up the good fight!

Battles are best won when we begin in prayer. God has your back!
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I have been sensing in my spirit that many in the body of Christ have misunderstood the word of the Lord as it pertains to Trump coming back to office. I keep sensing that people are thinking that all will be good once he is back in office. I...
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