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Yoli Villamil


Yoli Villamil
angles02 followed Abraham...

Abraham Santisteban


Abraham Santisteban


Make the most of life

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Heaven is shouting, Enough is Enough

Nate Johnston, Redding, CA Prophetic word released on July 2, 2021: I feel that July is a significant month of decision and breakthrough. The Lord has been rolling out the blueprint of His heart for those who are hungry and willing to take it;...
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Prayer for a Humble Heart:

Lord, We pray for the heart position of humility. Humility in such a way that we do not cheapen our own worth or value within, but that we take the alignment that we are here for a greater purpose than just our own gain. We pray that You will...
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Living by the Spirit’s Power

Unfortunately we all have a sinful nature and at least for me it is good to be reminded what it looks when we live by the spirit and what it looks like when we don’t. “So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what...
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Natasha Villamil
Natasha Villamil @Natasha

Be bold in the lord!

Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, but that doesn’t change our mission to preach the gospel to as many souls as we can. Your words matter so don’t forget to put them to use. ❤️
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Revival is upon us...

Can you feel and see the reign/rain of God’s spirit move?
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Rodrigo Zurita


Rodrigo Zurita


Believer, child of God, husband, father, friend, Kingdom entrepreneur.

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Jason Cronkhite


Jason Cronkhite


God’s son, Husband, Father, Kingdom Entrepreneur & Co-founder of Tectonic. I was saved at 23 in the marketplace working at a bottled water company, where I was exposed to Kingdom Entrepreneurship. Married Julie on 3.6.99, we have two kids, Kendall & Connor. Julie was called to inspire and educate kids and is a Principal. I was called to be an Apostle in the marketplace to build businesses that fund and advance the Kingdom. Growing up I played soccer competitively and Julie was in competitive cheer. Now Kendall & Connor are both athletes, a gymnast & cheerleader and another soccer player, as well as good students. We live in New Braunfels, TX and attend Freedom Fellowship Church. I love leadership development and the process of building and growing organizations. I serve on a few ministry boards; City Reachers, Christian Business Men’s Connection, Kingdom Business Network, & Nissi Nation.