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Sonya Brinegar


Sonya Brinegar
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Every Tuesday morning for over a year now I have been gathering with brothers & sisters in Christ to pray over the Seven Mountains of Society. The seven mountains or 7M include; Arts & Entertainment, Business, Church, Education, Family, Government &...
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I have been sensing in my spirit that many in the body of Christ have misunderstood the word of the Lord as it pertains to Trump coming back to office. I keep sensing that people are thinking that all will be good once he is back in office. I...
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SonyaBMama714 followed Rodrigo...

Rodrigo Zurita


Rodrigo Zurita


Believer, child of God, husband, father, friend, Kingdom entrepreneur.

SonyaBMama714 followed Brenda...

Brenda Zurita


Brenda  Zurita


Lover of the Lord and his kingdom. On fire for God. Wife to Rodrigo Zurita, who is an amazing father and husband. Blessed to be a mother of 4 healthy and beautiful children. Anointed to speak the word of the Lord and set the captives free.