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Myra Castoreno


Myra Castoreno
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Please pray

There is a effort to get 15 churches to commit to sponsoring a City Quake in San Antonio in May. There are a few committed but not nearly enough. Many pastors have been contacted but not many have replied. We need to pray through the resistance of...
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Spend Time With The Wise

“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭13:20‬ ‭ESV‬‬ bible.com/...
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Rodrigo Zurita
Rodrigo Zurita @rzurita

Declaring healing over Diabetes.

Stand in agreement with us for healing people of God!
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Worshiping The King

San Antonio is said to be a city set aside to usher in revival. Well, the ground is just beginning to shake.
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Five Capitals To Invest

Reading a study on faith-driven investing and was reminded of the five capitals framework. The Five Capitals are in order of importance; spiritual capital, relational, physical, intellectual & financial capital. Having a Kingdom mindset we must...
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Jason Cronkhite@jasoncronkhite
Jason Cronkhite
@SHeWoRsHips — certainly, you would probably enjoy this >> amazon.com/...
Myra Castoreno@SHeWoRsHips
Myra Castoreno
Thank you!
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Myra Castoreno@SHeWoRsHips
Myra Castoreno
I say this all the time. Treat others the way you would want to be treated. To me that is with kindness, respect, honesty, helpfulness, giving, loyal, friendly. Etc.