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Miriam Love


Miriam Love
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Gratitude is key to mental health..

8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything...
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You are who God says you are!!!

Don’t allow anyone to victimize you because you have less than they do, have a different color skin, are not physically as healthy as they are or have a relationship that is not ideal. You are who God says you are!!
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Cancer and bacteria killing drug?

JUST IN - Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have successfully tested a new drug that can kill cancer and bacterial cells without damaging nearby healthy tissue in a peer-reviewed...
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The removing of the veil...

Another look at the word APOCALYPSE? You don’t want to miss this as it is telling of the era we are in and the moment we are all fixing to walk into.
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MY Image

I have tried so hard for so long to have a set of rules, a detailed plan to help me overcome myself so I can have a body that reflects self control and discipline. However, tonight as I sit here listening to worship music, and remembering what...
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Mir followed Brenda...

Brenda Zurita


Brenda  Zurita


Lover of the Lord and his kingdom. On fire for God. Wife to Rodrigo Zurita, who is an amazing father and husband. Blessed to be a mother of 4 healthy and beautiful children. Anointed to speak the word of the Lord and set the captives free.

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I have been sensing in my spirit that many in the body of Christ have misunderstood the word of the Lord as it pertains to Trump coming back to office. I keep sensing that people are thinking that all will be good once he is back in office. I...
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