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Karen Carrillo


Karen Carrillo
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I HEARD THE LORD SAY "I AM YOUR LION KING" This morning I had an encounter with the Lord and I saw the Lion of Judah and He was standing before many of God's people and I knew these ones were battling HUGE amounts of fear. There was such an...
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A word picture from The Lord

This week during our prayer time at church God showed me a T shirt that said “the next pandemic CONVICTION”. He said “look at how this physical pandemic spread over the earth, that is the way my conviction will spread over the church”. He also said...
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Please pray

There is a effort to get 15 churches to commit to sponsoring a City Quake in San Antonio in May. There are a few committed but not nearly enough. Many pastors have been contacted but not many have replied. We need to pray through the resistance of...
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Alive & Active

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God....
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Please pray

There is a effort to get 15 churches to commit to sponsoring a City Quake in San Antonio in May. There are a few committed but not nearly enough. Many pastors have been contacted but not many have replied. We need to pray through the resistance of...
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Karen Carrillo@KarenCarrillo
Karen Carrillo
How many churches are currently on board?
KarenCarrillo followed John...

John David Martinez


John David Martinez


I am a disciple of Jesus Christ serving at Freedom Fellowship Church in New Braunfels,Tx. as their Minister of music / Peru missions leader since 2017. I spent 12 years full-time associate worship pastor at community Bible Church.I am the president and founder of JD Martinez ministries, formerly Shoebox ministries, an organization that sponsors Casa Del Aguila orphanage in the mountains of Limatambo, Peru. I’m a husband,dad ,an abuelo that loves life in Christ.

KarenCarrillo followed Gary...

Gary Osborn


Gary Osborn


Married to Susan. Four children and 7 grandchildren. Live in New Braunfels Texas. Elder at Freedom Fellowship Church. Serial entrepreneur. Co-Founder Caltex Protective Coatings. Certified in Emotional Intelligence. Experienced in mens mentoring and consulting..