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Gary Gilliam


Gary Gilliam
Ggilliam followed City...

City Quake Official


City Quake Official


City Quake comes alongside pastors and leaders in a city to help equip the Christians to grow in a lifestyle of love and power so that the amazing good news of Jesus will penetrate the hearts of the lost!

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Gary Gilliam@Ggilliam
Gary Gilliam
Amen and amen
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Power & Strenth

You have the authority, power & strength to be the Kingdom that comes into the lives of others. The struggle is, are we exercising our authority and using the power and strength He has given us to impact those around you?
Gary Gilliam@Ggilliam
Gary Gilliam
No, not at the level the Lord wants.
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He Designed Us For Fellowship

Gather together and build up another. “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing...
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Gary Gilliam@Ggilliam
Gary Gilliam
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I have been sensing in my spirit that many in the body of Christ have misunderstood the word of the Lord as it pertains to Trump coming back to office. I keep sensing that people are thinking that all will be good once he is back in office. I...
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Gary Gilliam@Ggilliam
Gary Gilliam
I felt that Trump would serve 2 terms. And the second term was the Churches time to bring in the harvest. After that things would be very bad. I assumed it was two in a row. I see that was an assumption on my part, not what the Spirit was saying. I never had revelation on what very bad meant. Anyway what ever happens we are with the Lord and have nothing to worry about. Just trust Him and do not waiver.
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“Let me fight them for my eyes”

Good morning, After sharing with your my husband last night about our week, and our sentiments regarding it, a few things popped up that clearly were mind-traps or patterns of this world that rob us for from freedom, peace, joy, and the ability to...
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