Welcome to Tectonic!

City Quake Official


City Quake Official
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City Quake Official@CityQuakeOfficial
City Quake Official
This is an AMAZING platform and the vision behind it is being used for the Lord. Can't wait to see what the Lord does with Tectonic!
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Amazing night of Truth

We were so blessed to hear the truth about Gods great love and our Identity in Christ! Receive His Love and Be Transformed into His Image and Likeness, and BE Christ to the Nations! Thank you Dan and Thank you Lord!
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Find Him & Pray

Let’s have some fun today with The Lord by showering praise over someone who has totally dedicated his life to serving Jesus. We mistakenly made a typo last night, but it stuck with him. This is the brilliance of The BenJAMIN. Find him today and...
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