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Anne Bean


Anne Bean
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Richie Nelson
Richie Nelson @Richie

Aftershock week 2

The testimonies and experiences might not have seemed as spectacular as the previous weeks, but persevere God is doing a good work through you. I remember a guy who I prayed with on the street that I thought would just continue his life of meth...
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ABeanCreative followed Shari...

Shari Alexander


Shari Alexander


Love is revival leader

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Richie Nelson
Richie Nelson @Richie

Aftershock @ Deeper W1 Report

Last night we had 22 people come, 4 from other churches and 18 from ours, almost double the number that came from our church to City Quake. That is pushing nearly 50% of our Sunday morning attendance. So cool! 2 people made decisions to follow...
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Anne Bean
Loved it💖! An awesome time - oh to be His body💗👍what a privilege!
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Richie Nelson
Richie Nelson @Richie

Aftershock @ Deeper W1 Report

Last night we had 22 people come, 4 from other churches and 18 from ours, almost double the number that came from our church to City Quake. That is pushing nearly 50% of our Sunday morning attendance. So cool! 2 people made decisions to follow...
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Your not the only one out there!

As my wife and I sat in our car eating lunch and trying to figure out where to go encounter people for Jesus, we saw this guy lending a hand and praying for this person who was in need of help. So great to see God moving! #CityQuakeWashington
ABeanCreative followed Hannah...

Hannah Nelson


Hannah Nelson


I gave my life to Jesus at 3 years old. At 17 God called me into ministry. I graduated from Central Bible College in Springfield, MO with a degree in Preaching/Evangelism. My husband and I Co-pastor together at Deeper Church in Burien, WA. On the side I homeschool our two boys - Silas (7) and Sage (4) and do commercial acting.

ABeanCreative followed Rodrigo...

Rodrigo Zurita


Rodrigo Zurita


Believer, child of God, husband, father, friend, Kingdom entrepreneur.

ABeanCreative followed Richie...

Richie Nelson


Richie Nelson


Pastor at Deeper Church in Burien, WA.

ABeanCreative followed Pablo...

Pablo Rebz


Pablo Rebz


PK, Gamer, Composer, Designer, Multi Instrumentalist. Into art, books, and sci-fi. Right and left brain thinker.