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Michael Green


Michael Green
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Michael Green@1wayJESUS
Michael Green
Who is gonna take me out of Christ?
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I HEARD THE LORD SAY "I AM YOUR LION KING" This morning I had an encounter with the Lord and I saw the Lion of Judah and He was standing before many of God's people and I knew these ones were battling HUGE amounts of fear. There was such an...
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Michael Green@1wayJESUS
Michael Green
I believe.
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I HEARD THE LORD SAY "I AM YOUR LION KING" This morning I had an encounter with the Lord and I saw the Lion of Judah and He was standing before many of God's people and I knew these ones were battling HUGE amounts of fear. There was such an...
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Rodrigo Zurita
Rodrigo Zurita @rzurita

Let His word nourish your soul!

It is such a cool moment when you can recall what God has to say in a difficult situation, when you are praying for someone, or in any circumstance really. God’s word is powerful and relevant! That’s what I call a Super food; one that brings life...
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Prophetic word released 2 weeks ago:

“The enemy can’t stop what I’m doing. He will not. And I will fill the earth and flood this whole place . And all the earth will know that I’m flying over the earth and proclaiming My victory over the earth for those who trust Me. You will hear of...
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This is not time to fool around. There is war in the heavens and it is felt on Earth. This "war" is not fought in the realm of emotions or mental assent, but is won using the spiritual weapons of warfare with authority to command the victory to be...
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He hears our cry!

I just read this and it blessed me, so here it is and I hope it blesses you: “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on...
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Michael Green@1wayJESUS
Michael Green
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He hears our cry!

I just read this and it blessed me, so here it is and I hope it blesses you: “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on...
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