Chris Marendish @cmarendish
Healed Hips
Healed Hips
Yesterday was an amazingly busy day! Not only did we have to prepare for our weekly feeding at the park, (where we bring food and the love of Jesus to many who are less well off) we were also having our family together to celebrate my mother's birthday.
So being in a bit of a hurry most of the morning and afternoon was more than an understatement. We were swamped with food to prepare and serve. But the Lord gave us ample helpers and a break in the rain.
One of our friends whom we were serving asked me and my wife if we would pray for him after things slowed down. And I assured him that one or both of us would love to. Later when the line of people had finally finished he came back and asked if we had a moment to pray. I asked him what for and he said his leg had shooting pain going down one side. So I had him come sit in the open doorway of our van, and then I asked if I could lift his feet. When I did you could see that his left leg was at least one inch shorter than the other. I asked him if he could see the difference and he said he could.
I prayed a quick prayer commanding the hips to be aligned and for the leg come come out. It never ceases to amaze me when I see this happen. He leg slowly came out and was equal with the other sonic had him stand and check for pain. He said there was some tightness and I prayed again for that and all pain to leave in Jesus name. And he was fully restored.
I thanked him for letting me pray for him and he thank me for doing so.
We continued serving the last few people and after an hour and fifteen minutes we headed home. We were short on time but not late. God's grace and favour are always upon us.
Dont be in too big of a hurry for God to take a moment of your day to be a blessing to someone else.
Be blessed and be a blessing.